Hello everyone!
We have reached the time of year when we get to tackle the film opening project! All of the assignments, lessons, and blogs we've completed so far have properly prepared us for this project. I'm really excited to dive into it and expand my creative abilities!
We learned about the most important aspects to include in a film opening, and some things seem like common sense, but they're helpful to ensure we don't forget anything! Here are some things that we learned to include.
Some aspects that I am definitely going to try to include are establishing the background and the setting. It's really important to establish these two factors so the audience is well aware of everything before the story really begins.
When beginning to plan our film opening, my group and I were having a hard time trying to come up with our genre. We ultimately decided on either doing a coming-of-age film opening or a romantic comedy. We looked for different movies that had the same vibe as our film opening.
These movies give off a carelessness-teenage vibe, which is exactly what we want to display through our film opening. Our approach to this project is to focus on developing our main character. Coming-of-age and rom-com movies do a very good job of showing who the characters is through mise-en-scene, more specifically their rooms and their costumes. These genres are also very light-hearted, and this is displayed through set design and costuming.