My script/answer for this question is a continuation of my last blog post where I answered the third question. While editing my CCRs, I'm planning on adding clips in from my editing process and logos of the softwares and online websites that I used, I'm going to add them on here so they're easy to access.
Mix everything into the bowl and begin to pour it into the pan
Elke; So the question that I'm going to be answering now has to do with the types of technologies that i integrated into my project. Before answering, I'm going to let the cake bake and cool down and we'll be right back! See you soon
Put pan into the oven - time passes
Elke: Hey so were back and I've cut the top of the cake and we're ready to put frosting on.
Elke: For this project, the main thing that we used throughout this process, software wise, was Adobe Premiere Pro. I’ve used Premiere Pro due to the other projects that we’ve done in this course, so I felt the most comfortable using it, despite my hatred for it. I also used Canva a lot to make templates and the collages for our mood board. Isabella also uses Canva to make our production logo and she used Procreate to create the animation. We also used Pinterest to gather the photos that we used for our mood board. Isabella is also planning on using Da Vinci Resolve to add in the text since we had a hard time figuring it out on Premiere Pro. I’m also in between using Da Vinci or Premiere Pro to edit my CCR, but I’ll let you guys know. We also used Adobe Fonts to find our font!
Elke: For our hardware, the main thing that we used was Isabella’s iPhone 15 to film. We had checked our teachers' small microphones but we didn’t end up using them. I’m also using them right now to film this and my other CCR! Very exciting stuff
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