Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Summary of our Story!

 Hello! Yesterday, my group and I met after school to work on our project since I am currently on a flight to Washington DC, and will miss our class. We ultimately decided on what we wanted to do for our entire project. This is our plot.

Jordyn Diaz is in her senior year, and all throughout high school, she had been focused on school and not much on the social aspect. She and her friend Amelia Jackson have been best friends since middle school, and they've been inseparable ever since. At the beginning of her senior year, she decides that she's going to make a bucket list of things that she wants to complete before graduation. Some things range from getting a date to prom to something as outlandish as staying overnight at a random location. As she accomplishes certain items, things begin to get out of hand, and Jordyn needs to figure out how to fix her mistakes. 

The 5 stages of our plot are

    Exposition: Jordyn planning out her bucket list ideas alongside Amelia

    Rising Action: Jordyn and Amelia begin to cross off some bucket list goals

    Climax: Things begin to get out of hand and Jordyn and Amelia get caught. Amelia tells Jordyn that the bucket list isn't worth all of the trouble, and they have a falling out. 

    --In between the climax and the falling action-- One of Jordyn's teachers confronts her and asks what happened, since Jordyn's grades had begun to get worse the more she got involved with the bucket list. At prom, she realizes that she misses Amelia and their friendship.

    Falling Action: She goes back to Amelia and apologizes to her friend.

    Resolution: They are at graduation, and they realize that they accomplished everything on the list. 

A subplot for our story is a small romance, where all throughout the film Jordyn is trying to get a date to the prom so she can cross it off her bucket list. 

For our filming, we decided that we were going to make her break the fourth wall by directly talking to the audience. We want to make her talk to the camera as if they're a friend and have her interact with it. We were in between making it like a video diary of her documenting her senior year with her friend, but we wanted her to talk to the audience even when she was not recording. We are going to make the format similar to the film Easy A, where she does voiceovers, and then the scene cuts to her talking to the camera. 

I'm really excited to begin filming this project as soon as I get back from DC, and it really love our idea because we can expand it so much more. 

Here are some pictures of the notes that I took down during our meeting :)

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