Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project

 During this lesson, I learned that many productions don't film the actual sound when filming and that most of it is edited. When I found that out, I was shocked. Whenever I watch a film or a TV show I find it crazy that most of the sounds aren't real, and that the only thing that really is being picked up is the dialogue. They do such a great job of editing the sound to the point that so many people do not know this fact. I also find Foley so interesting. Being able to use a lot of household objects to make sounds ranging from something as common as footsteps to something so random as the ear functions of the monster in The Quiet Place

For this project, we had to create a 1-2 minute soundscape of a situation. We had to compile all of the sounds to make it into a story. 

During brainstorming, my group and I had to find a good idea of what to make our scene. Ultimately, we decided to make it on a guy adventuring into a haunted house. We were able to curate a good outline for the project. We asked our teacher what we should add and she said to add a climax of something into the scene, and that definitely heightened our project and made it a lot more exciting. My group and I decided to split the work into 3. Emilio did scenes 1-3, I did scenes 4-6, and Daniela did scenes 7-8.
The outline definitely helped me get my sounds in order and ensure that I didn't stray out of order in the story. To keep the continuity of the story, I needed to look at the past scenes to make sure everything made sense. Doing the foley was also really fun and very informative. My part was to recreate the sound of steps breaking. I was originally going to use carrots but it did not work out. So, I decided to use myself breaking and ripping apart cardboard! It worked out really well. Here is a video of it. 

My group and I had trouble trying to figure out which editing software to use. We ultimately decided to use Premiere Pro, because Emilio had already started using Premiere Pro, and we were already used to it and most comfortable with it. 

I think I did a good job at compiling all of the sounds together and making sure that they all sounded cohesive. I had a good time putting all of the sounds together, but it was very precise trying to get all of the sounds to sound good. I would like to improve on making some of the sounds shorter because I was way over the time limit. 

Overall, I had fun working on this project!  I had a good group, we all worked together and fed into each other's ideas. It was cool to see all of our parts put together and see the final product.

Here's the full video!


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