Monday, February 10, 2025

Group Meetings #1

 Hello readers! Today in class, we had group meetings! We met with people from other groups and gave each other input on our project ideas. This was honestly a lot of fun and really informative. I'm really glad I was able to get outside advice from people I don't know because it was really helpful. We all went around and told each other our ideas for our film openings and shared our blog URLs with each other, and we gave each other a lot of feedback. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much feedback for our film opening idea and neither did my partner, which I don't know if to take as a good thing or a bad thing... Nevertheless, they asked me really valid questions which helped me gain more insight and ideas on how to develop my project. Here are some of the questions I was asked. 

    "Are you going to use Foley in your film opening?" Currently, I feel like our idea isn't fully planned out to see if we're going to use Foley.

    "How are you going to transmit the fourth wall idea to the audience?" We are going to make our main girl talk directly to the audience, while also talking to other characters in the film.

    "How are you going to do the sound?" Since we were planning on filming our girl walking in the hallway, we came across some obstacles when figuring out how to display the sound. We have decided on two potential ideas. 1. Either film our girl during the passing period and add a microphone onto her so we can hear her dialogue or 2. Film her walking down the hallway while it's empty and add background noise of teenagers/people talking. We still haven't decided which of the two to do, but I will update on what we decide on! I was also told that if I were planning to film it in an active hallway, then to make the film take place in the 2020s due to the outfits that people wear. 

    "Who is going to play your main girl?" We have decided to either get one of our group members Mariana to play her, or search outside of us three!

Besides just the questions, I was talking to people in my group and they said that it was important to really focus on the characters and their developments since that's a really important factor in coming-of-age movies! And they were also glad that I wanted to focus on the friendship aspect of the coming-of-age genre, instead of trying to fit romance into it or make it a main aspect of the film. I was also told that it's really important that the outfits are really colorful, and to have the setting colorful as well. We went around and told each other what films or other sources helped inspire our film, and the one I said was "Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer." I love the colorful aspects of this film, and I love how silly it is, and I would love to be able to transmit that into my film opening. 

I also got a lot of helpful resources from this kid in my group, which I definitely will see myself using!

For screenplays:

For sound:





For fonts:


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