Friday, February 21, 2025

Our audio!

 For our film opening, the sound aspect of it isn't going to be that complicated... I hope. We are going to be recording the main dialogue like normal, and i don't know how much Foley we will implement.

Something important that we do want to include is a song! There's a song from a small alternative rock band called Inhaler and they have the song called "It Won't Always Be Like This" from their album "It Won't Always Be Like This." The song has the perfect tune and the title of the song can also relate to high school and what Jordyn is feeling. 

For this to potentially happen, I emailed their manager in hopes that they answer and we get permission to use the song! I feel like it will successfully take our film to the next level, and really show that it is an opening to a film. I might end up DM-ing the band on their social media to maybe get a response! I will update you guys of course. Here is my email.

For our hallway scene, the aspect of sound might be a little difficult. We don't know if we want to film it during a busy hallway in between classes, or have them walking alone in the hallways. If we do end up filming in a busy hallway, we are in between of doing a voice over of Jordyn and Amelia talking or  putting a mic on them to allow the audience to hear them. We aren't sure which were going to do, but it is definitely an important topic of discussion. 

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