Thursday, March 6, 2025

Our video editing process!

 HELLO! So, I began editing our film opening, and it went really well! When I first acquired the clips, I put them all together, and I did very subtle editing, just trying to make it look neat and proper

My group and I met up after school one day to work on how we wanted to edit it and add clips in, and it went well! We got everything pretty much done with the video; we just have to do the sound, but that's another story. 

Due to our dilemma with refilming, we really had to make sure that we liked the clips we ended up with. We also had to make sure that Mariana and Isabel stayed REALLY still so we'd be able to match cut while editing. I thought that this process would be a lot harder, but it honestly was a lot easier than I expected. Something that I learned throughout this process is how much I HATE Adobe Premiere Pro. It's just so confusing, but since I'm starting to use it a lot more, it's not that bad.

Something that we figured out whilst editing is the font that we wanted to use! The one that we chose fits in really well with our genre and theme, so I'm really glad that we found it! This is what it looks like. I feel like this font perfectly grabs the proper characteristics of a coming-of-age film.

A little roadblock that we did face, though, was how we wanted to make our title sequence. We were really conflicted since we didn't have much to work with, and we wanted the title card to pop up right after Jordyn covered the camera with her hand. We decided that working with the black screen would be too difficult and boring, so we decided that we were going to use the black screen as a transition to the school, and we would do this by using a sound bridge with the sound of a bell! Really exciting stuff. Within the establishing shots of the school, we would include the title card and the credits, which is really exciting!!

All of the visual editing Is done, we just need to add in the montage and the school shots which shouldn't be bad at all. I'm hoping to finally finish up in the next few days! Yay! So close to the finish line. 

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