Thursday, March 13, 2025

Question 3 of my CCR!

 Hey guys! So today I cooked up my response for the third question of my CCR and it was definitely the most fun and personal in my opinion. 

For the 3rd and 4th question, I think that I'm going to do baking while I answer the questions. I'm in between baking a cake or cookies, but I think that I'm going to do the cake since I want to write "Watch 18 Before 18" on it. I'll show you guys an inspo picture right now, but here's my script! Keep in mind that some of the instructions aren't going to be true to the script, and I'm planning on baking the cake while talking, this is just the easiest way I can divide it up, enjoy!

Scene opens up, all of the ingredients are laid out on the table

Elke: Hey guys, it's Elke! Today I will be answering questions 3 and 4 of my CCR. To make this more exciting, I'm going to be baking a cake! I'm not really good at baking so lets hope I don't mess this up. 

Elke: For the sake of time, I'm going to be baking a cake from the box, but I'm going to be elevating the recipe with a few substitutes. 

Opens the cake box and pours the powder into a bowl

Elke: Okay so the first question that I'm going to answer for you guys today has to do with how my skills developed, the problems that I came across throughout the project, and what I learned. 

Puts the milk in the measuring cup and pours it into bowl

Elke: When I first walked into this class, I didn’t know much about film editing or just filmmaking in general. I had done some amateur editing when I was younger so I knew how to work iMovie but I had never dealt with something like Adobe Premiere Pro. The projects that we had throughout the year definitely helped me get more comfortable using Premiere Pro, especially for this project since I am the editor for the film. I had a really good experience throughout the year since I consistently worked with my friend Isabella, and she definitely made me more comfortable with this new stage in my life

Cracks the eggs into the bowl

Elke: When beginning to plan this project, my group, Mariana, Isabella and I, quickly and collectively decided that we wanted to do a coming of age film. For the longest time, we didn't know how we wanted to expand the film more than just us wanting to do the bucket list idea. One day, we sat down at a Panera to work on it, and it just came to us. I personally had a lot of fun with the planning aspect of it since we got to create 2 new characters from scratch, and I really loved that. We faced some complications since we all just have busy schedules. We have to deal with school work, and since it's my senior year and I'm involved in a club called Model UN, I had to leave for a week to go compete in Washington DC. Luckily, this didn't really affect the filming aspect since this was before we had started filming. When we were filming though, we faced so many scheduling issues with our actors, but luckily we persevered.

Puts butter into the microwave

Elke: I learned a whole lot throughout this process. The main thing I learned is how important it is to make sure you delegate!! You can’t do everything by yourself and that's okay if other people do stuff too. During this project, I have to admit that I felt like I was taking charge of a lot of stuff besides the actual directing of the movie, and the fact that I edited the whole thing didn't help. I know that if I did this project by myself I would be able to be in charge of the whole thing, but I also know that I would be 10 times more stressed. I'm really glad that I ended up working with Isabella and Mariana because they definitely helped keep me sane sometimes, and it was good to have someone that I could easily talk to about the project and the stress. I also learned that I have a huge love-hate relationship with editing. Sometimes I absolutely hate adobe premiere pro and there are so many buttons and it's all really confusing, but i also love the feeling when something turns out good or just looks good overall. I really loved this project. I had a great time, and this project was so much fun.

Takes the butter out of the microwave and mixes everything in
Mind you, its going to be 10x worse but the text is the idea!


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Question 4 of my CCR!

My script/answer for this question is a continuation of my last blog post where I answered the third question. While editing my CCRs, I'...