Friday, February 28, 2025

Our Filming Journey! Part 2

 Welcome back! So, as soon as we finished filming our scenes at school, we raced on over to Lauren's house to complete our LAST stage of filming! Woohoo!

We were welcomed with open arms and we jumped right into filming. To fully grasp the right vibe for Jordyn's room, we took down some of the decorations that Lauren had, such as some of her records, to fit Jordyn's personality more. For example, we took down her Travis Scott Utopia album to make it Tame Impala's album The Slow Rush since it made more sense. 

One of our main concerns of filming at around 5 o'clock was that the sun was gonna go down. Our scene took place in the morning, the lighting made sense since it was around golden hour. 

Me sitting on the floor. 
On our storyboard, we were going to film Jordyn sitting at her desk, but due to the location of Lauren's desk, it was a bit of a problem. We decided to change the angle completely and have me sitting on the FLOOR and record Mariana at a specific angle. We decided that the chair was too bulky, and we didnt like it from that angle. SO, we had me sit on Lauren's desk and record Mariana and Isabel sitting on the bed. This angle turned out so much better. It looks a lot more natural which perfectly plays into our coming of age genre. 

Filming in Lauren's room didnt take a long time at all since we only had to film one scene. Overall, our filming day on Thursday went really really well. I'm so glad that we finally finished filming, but now we have to go into the grueling process that editing is. Don't get me wrong, we faced so much challenges before finally getting what we wanted, but honestly, everything happens for a reason! And I'm really happy we had to refilm. 

This is the angle we had originally.

This is the angle we decided to do! SO much better.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Our Filming Journey! Part 1

Hey guys! So today technically was our first day of filming???

In reality, today was NOT our first day of filming... I'll go more in-depth in another blog post, but we truly began filming on Thursday. We had stayed after school to film all of the in-school scenes, and this is how it went!

Our very talented background actors!
This is the HUGE group of people that we had to work with, and to be honest, keeping them quiet was honestly the hardest part about this. They would be joking around and a little loud while we were filming, but luckily, Isabel was able to control them. Throughout this process, I pretty much took control since Isabella wasn't able to raise her voice due to also being sick. It was almost like trying to herd sheep! But besides this little aspect, I feel like they really helped the project come to life and seem more realistic. One shot that we filmed was an establishing shot of the school and the hallway, and we gave these kids the simple instruction to just act natural and walk up and down the hallway, and they did great! It might honestly be my favorite shot of what we've shot so far. Due to the time constraints that some of our actors had, we decided that it would be best to record the scenes with them first so that the people who would have to leave could leave, and then we would be able to record the scenes with just Mariana and Isabel. 

Focusing our shots on Mariana and Isabel went pretty smoothly! Having the storyboard handy helped so much and made the process go faster. One small issue that we had was that our girls had to learn the script right then and there, so they had some trouble with that. Nevertheless, they did a great job of memorizing the script, and they both absorbed the characters. We had asked some of our people to stay behind to just linger in the hallways for continuity's sake! Enjoy this silly video of Mariana forgetting her lines.

With our production, we are planning to have a lot of match cuts for editing, so that was a bit hard, but I'm sure that I'll be able to figure it out during the editing process! During filming, we had to make sure that we were all in the same spot so our match cuts would come out as seamlessly as possible. 

Mariana and Isabel being upset over the band

Due to the time and location that we were filming in, we faced a LOT of distractions. Since we were filming in a hallway near the band room, you can HEAR the band rehearsing in the back. It was honestly so funny. It was frustrating because we just wanted to get it done, but it wasnt too bad. If they do end up popping up in our video, we're just gonna have Mariana and Isabel record their lines and we just dub their voices. 

Filming our scene at school didn't take as long as we anticpated thankfully. Isabella and I work very well together. Today we mainly split the work and I was doing all of the cinematography while she was being the director! I find that we are definitely more efficent this way and were very good at communicating with each other and our actors.But straight after we finihsed, we drove to Lauren's house to film in her room! Stay tuned for the next blog post with more in depth commentary for the rest of our filming journey!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Meeting with our teacher!

 Today in class we got to talk to our teacher for feedback on our project. We then realized that we had come across a few obstacles. 

Location Issues

Due to the visually displeasing location that we are filming in, being a hallway in our school, it is difficult to gain control of the lighting and the extraneous variables that we may come across. To combat this, our teacher told us to make sure that we keep our shots tight to not include the fluorescent lights in the hallway. She also said that the shot might be unrealistic due to the emptiness of the hallway, or that it might be hard to record our sound if we do this in a busy hallway. We decided to ask some fellow students to play as extras in the hallway. To record the dialogue between our two girls, our teacher is going to let us borrow 2 of her wireless microphones to film so we can perfectly capture their voices, while also getting background chatter. It is important if we take different shots of the scene, one where the background characters aren't talking and we use sound effects of teenagers talking and we MAINLY focus on Jordyn and Amelia's dialogue, and another where we use the mics on our girls and we ask our background characters to talk in inside voices so we can capture both noises. We also brought up the potential idea to film outside, but the weather in Florida has been really gloomy and bipolar and we don't want to risk any weather issues. Also, the hallway really gives off the perfect school vibes. 

For filming in the bedroom, most of it is dialogue. Our teacher told us that it is really important that we keep the scene visually interesting. Luckily, both Mariana and Isabel, our actors for Jordyn and Amelia, have a lot of experience in theatre so we will make sure that they act their hearts out!! We will also switch up the camera angles and techniques so the scene stays interesting. 

Our Actors

So, we were told by our teacher that our two actors, Mariana and Isabel, look-alike... We had never seen that before but that's something really important to factor in.
So to combat this, we NEED to make sure that both of their costumes and demeanor are completely different to not confuse the audience and to show two distinct personalities. Both of the character's aesthetics are already really different so I hope that's not much of a problem. 
Something else that we might encounter as a problem is the busyness of our background actors. We might have to change our original filming day on Wednesday to another day since they might have rehearsal for their upcoming show, but besides that, we have a lot of people willing to participate!

Sound Issues

Sadly, our teacher let us know that it might be difficult to get clearance for Inhaler's song "It Won't Always Be Like This", so she told us to get a backup song. Luckily, Mariana and I were scouring the internet for royalty-free songs to use, and we found a good backup song! Here is the link to our song. 

Despite all of the obstacles that we have come across, we are in a really good spot. We are also so excited to begin filming!! On Wednesday, we are hoping to complete all of the hallway shots after school, and then on Friday, we will be heading over to my friend Lauren's house to film the bedroom shots! If we don't finish, we will spill it over on Sunday. Stay tuned for my updates on filming. Yay!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Our Storyboard!

 Hey friends! For our film opening, something really important is having a storyboard. I really facilitates our filming and makes it more efficient. Here is our story board! Mind the first picture, I'm not good at drawing. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Our audio!

 For our film opening, the sound aspect of it isn't going to be that complicated... I hope. We are going to be recording the main dialogue like normal, and i don't know how much Foley we will implement.

Something important that we do want to include is a song! There's a song from a small alternative rock band called Inhaler and they have the song called "It Won't Always Be Like This" from their album "It Won't Always Be Like This." The song has the perfect tune and the title of the song can also relate to high school and what Jordyn is feeling. 

For this to potentially happen, I emailed their manager in hopes that they answer and we get permission to use the song! I feel like it will successfully take our film to the next level, and really show that it is an opening to a film. I might end up DM-ing the band on their social media to maybe get a response! I will update you guys of course. Here is my email.

For our hallway scene, the aspect of sound might be a little difficult. We don't know if we want to film it during a busy hallway in between classes, or have them walking alone in the hallways. If we do end up filming in a busy hallway, we are in between of doing a voice over of Jordyn and Amelia talking or  putting a mic on them to allow the audience to hear them. We aren't sure which were going to do, but it is definitely an important topic of discussion. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Our filming locations and decorations!

Hey guys! One really important aspect of ANY film is the setting and decorations. For our film opening, the main locations that are being shown are Jordyn's room and our school. 

Jordyn's Room!

For her room, we are going to transform my friend Lauren's room to fit more into Jordyn's aesthetic. Originally, were were going to use my older sister's room since she is off in college, but due to the decorations that my sister has, it'll be too difficult. Compared to Lauren's room, hers is almost perfect. It gives off the exact vibe that we want Jordyn to give off, and the only thing that we will have to add are posters. 

Lauren's room has a lot of decorations, such as Legos and physical music, that fit in perfectly with Jordyn's personality. Using Lauren's room will prevent us from having to orchestrate a complete change of my sister's room. 

Decorations for Jordyn:
For Jordyn's room, we are going to print out posters of her favorite bands, about the bands in the Spotify playlist. Here are some examples of the posters that we are going to have.
To not waste the posters, Isabella is going to keep them as decorations for her dorm in college! Lauren's room has a lot of vinyl records hung up on the wall which visually displays Jordyn's personality. Some of the posters that Lauren already has can be translated well into Jordyn's character, which is really important. 

The school!
For our scene at school, our easiest and most obvious option is to film at our school. When choosing what we wanted to do, we immediately thought of filming a scene at school since we are doing a coming of age. Our scene is going to take place in a hallway. We were debating on if we wanted to do it inside or outside, but we decided to do it inside since we wanted to avoid any confounding variables that may show up if were outside, for example, rainy or cloudy weather. This is going to be the hallway that Jordyn and Amelia are going to walk down in. On the left side of the photo, there is a place where we are going to hang up the poster that advertises the amusement park where the girls are going to spend the night. 

The main prop that is going to be used in our film opening is the flyer for the opening amusement park. It is going to be hung up in the hallway where it's accessible for all students to see. We are going to have Isabella print it at her dad's job, alongside the posters for Jordyn's room. She is going to print 5 copies so we have backups just in case anything gets messed up. Here's the poster that we are going to use! It's important that the poster is vibrant so the audience can get a clear image of it. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Their Outfits!

Hello! We have decided on the right aesthetic for Jordyn, it's sort of an alternative grunge! Most of her outfits consist of jorts, sweaters, tank tops, and graphic T-shirts. Picking out the type of clothes she wears is really important, since it visually represents her character and personality. We also had to make sure that it would make sense with the era that our film takes place in, which is the 2020s. Mariana, our partner and the actress who's going to play Jordyn has different pieces of clothes that we can use for the costume. My friend Lauren has the perfect shirt that we can use

This is the kind of vibe that we are going for. I chose these specific articles of clothing, like the jorts and the Sambas, to show that Jordyn keeps up with current trends, displaying underlying themes of her wanting to fit in.

For Amelia, her outfits are a lot more calmer and casual, also reflecting her personality. She wears a lot of sweaters, skirts, wide-legged jeans, leg warmers, and long-sleeved shirts. Amelia's outfits show more individuality which translates over to her character of being more unique and quiet, compared to Jordyn's loud and "basic" outfit choices. Here are some outfit ideas that display her aesthetic visually. 
This is the main vibe that we want to go for for Amelia's costume

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Meet Jordyn and Amelia!

 Hello blog friends! Today I get to talk to you guys about our main character Jordyn, and her best friend Amelia. 

Kat Stratford & Lorelai Gilmore

To start off, Jordyn Diaz is a 17-year-old girl born on April 4, 2007, making her an Aries. We decided on this birthday for her since Aries' are known to be quite impulsive and energetic. When creating her, we decided to give her a quirky, unisex name, so we chose the name Jordyn. We gave her the personality type ESFP, meaning extroverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving. Using an MBTI is a simple way for us to create her personality, and we can use it to understand how to portray her character.  When finding inspiration for her character, we wanted to make her aesthetic like Kat Stratford from the film 10 Things I Hate About You, we also want to make her personality like Lorelai Gilmore from the TV show Gilmore Girls. She's a very extroverted person who values friendship and excitement. She has a very specific aesthetic which I will be showing you guys through a mood board. To further show off her aesthetic and vibes, we decided to make a playlist for her that has bands that she likes. We will use posters of those bands as her room decoration. Here's the playlist!
Rory Gilmore & Elizabeth Bennet
Amelia Jackson is also 17, born on June 21, 2007, making her a Cancer. This birthday is important since the summer solstice fits into her sunny personality. Cancers are typically sensitive, loyal, and intuitive. Unlike Jordyn, we just looked up random girl names and came across the name Amelia. Her personality type is INFJ, meaning introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. We wanted to make her characters like Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls, and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. She's a very relaxed and calm person, who also values friendship to a deeper level. Her vibe is very similar to Rory Gilmore's, here's a mood board to further develop her character. 
Jordyn's Mood Board
Amelia's Mood Board

Mariana (left) as Jordyn
Isabel Rodarte (right) as Amelia

They are going to play our main girls!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Our Script!

 Hey guys! For our film, we need to set up a script or a storyboard. Due to the time crunch we're in, we decided that it was easier for us to work on our script this week. It was honestly really difficult to work on our script since we needed to find the right words to make sure it was not cringy. We have a really good idea of how we want our film to go, and that definitely helps our script. Here is our script! Some of the things might change, but I will keep you guys updated! 



Elke Gomez, Mariana Aldana, Isabella Acosta


February 14, 2025 


Screen opens with a montage of JORDYN DIAZ and AMELIA JACKSON, photos/videos of them as children displayed on the screen.


I’ve known Amelia Jackson ever since the first day of sixth grade, and we have been inseparable ever since. We do absolutely EVERYTHING together

A montage of photos of Jordyn and Amelia flash across the screen, emphasizing their time spent together over the years.



JORDYN sits at her desk writing in a notebook (offscreen), AMELIA is behind her laying on the bed, reading a book.


(To Audience)

 Since it’s FINALLY our last year of high school, I decided that we needed a change of pace. 

AMELIA (checking her phone: the time reads “7:30”)



 Oh god, it’s 7:30 already. (grabbing her bag) We're gonna be so late !! 

 AMELIA scrambles out of bed, EXITING and shutting the door behind her. CLICK. 

JORDYN puts away the journal she has been writing in. She fumbles with her bag. The door reopens. 


Hurry up !!


(To Audience) 

Alright, guys, I’ll be right back, I have to go to school…

JORDYN grabs her bag, covering the screen (playful) 






JORDYN and AMELIA walk through the busy hall, AMELIA is reading from the journal JORDYN had been writing in previously. JORDYN (expectant) waits for a reaction from AMELIA. AMELIA looks up from the journal, her expression unreadable.



No…No way. A bucket list? 

Okay, one: that is (emphasized) SO cliche 

Two: How would we even do all this?

AMELIA begins to ramble, her voice fading out. JORDYN turns to the camera, rolling her eyes and grinning (playful)


(To audience about AMELIA)

She’s always like this. But she’s right.. (quickly) don’t tell her I said that. 

 I’ve gotta have a foolproof plan if she’s gonna go along with this. (frustrated) How can we even (emphasized) BEGIN to tackle the list? 

Still addressing the audience, JORDYN glances up and spots her solution. (Off-camera)


(Looking back to Audience)

(Grinning) Talk about convenient. 

AMELIA’S voice fades back in, her arms crossed as she finishes her rant about how absolutely impossible JORDYN’S goal is.


(annoyed) Jordyn?




Hellooo, are you even listening?  Come on, we’re gonna be late-


(cutting AMELIA off)

 (Grabbing AMELIA’S shoulder) Amy (AMELIA) look, I just found our solution. 

JORDYN makes her way to the other side of the hallway, ripping the poster from the top of a board that she had spotted during her tangent.

JORDYN shoves the poster in AMELIA’S hands and reaches into her book bag to grab her journal. They flip through the pages of the bucket list until they find the right one. 


(AMELIA still looking down at the journal and JORDYN looks up at the audience)

List Item Number Seventeen, spend the night at a park

The item of the bucket list pops up on the screen it reads: #17 

JORDYN pulls AMELIA away to walk to class. The screen focuses on the poster, making the writing legible to the audience. Afterward, students start to walk across the hallway losing focus on the poster 

Picture of me working on the script in a Washington D.C. hotel!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Summary of our Story!

 Hello! Yesterday, my group and I met after school to work on our project since I am currently on a flight to Washington DC, and will miss our class. We ultimately decided on what we wanted to do for our entire project. This is our plot.

Jordyn Diaz is in her senior year, and all throughout high school, she had been focused on school and not much on the social aspect. She and her friend Amelia Jackson have been best friends since middle school, and they've been inseparable ever since. At the beginning of her senior year, she decides that she's going to make a bucket list of things that she wants to complete before graduation. Some things range from getting a date to prom to something as outlandish as staying overnight at a random location. As she accomplishes certain items, things begin to get out of hand, and Jordyn needs to figure out how to fix her mistakes. 

The 5 stages of our plot are

    Exposition: Jordyn planning out her bucket list ideas alongside Amelia

    Rising Action: Jordyn and Amelia begin to cross off some bucket list goals

    Climax: Things begin to get out of hand and Jordyn and Amelia get caught. Amelia tells Jordyn that the bucket list isn't worth all of the trouble, and they have a falling out. 

    --In between the climax and the falling action-- One of Jordyn's teachers confronts her and asks what happened, since Jordyn's grades had begun to get worse the more she got involved with the bucket list. At prom, she realizes that she misses Amelia and their friendship.

    Falling Action: She goes back to Amelia and apologizes to her friend.

    Resolution: They are at graduation, and they realize that they accomplished everything on the list. 

A subplot for our story is a small romance, where all throughout the film Jordyn is trying to get a date to the prom so she can cross it off her bucket list. 

For our filming, we decided that we were going to make her break the fourth wall by directly talking to the audience. We want to make her talk to the camera as if they're a friend and have her interact with it. We were in between making it like a video diary of her documenting her senior year with her friend, but we wanted her to talk to the audience even when she was not recording. We are going to make the format similar to the film Easy A, where she does voiceovers, and then the scene cuts to her talking to the camera. 

I'm really excited to begin filming this project as soon as I get back from DC, and it really love our idea because we can expand it so much more. 

Here are some pictures of the notes that I took down during our meeting :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Media Theory Research

 Hello readers! A very important aspect of our class is media theories and how we can integrate them into films we're analyzing or how we want to add them to our projects. For my film, I decided that the best media theory for me to analyze is the Character Types Theory by Vladimir Propp. His theory states that there are 7 different archetypes that characters can have that are defined by their "spheres of action."

The 7 different archetypes, alongside their role, are listed below.

1. The Villain: The villain is the character in the story who causes some type of destruction or harm in the story. They can be displayed as a bully, evil entity, or even an evil stepmother. This character is very likely to go head-to-head with the protagonist of the story. An example of this character type is Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter Franchise.

2. The Donor (provider): The donor provides the hero with some sort of item that can help them defeat the villain and succeed. This character can be displayed as an old man who gives the hero a sword, or an animal who guides the princess to the right path in the forest. During their path, the donor might ask for a favor from the hero, and once they get what they want, they give the hero the item or piece of advice needed. An example of this character type is The Fairy Godmother from the fairytale and film Cinderella.

3. The Helper: The Helper is someone who successfully helps the hero to gain what they need to remove their problems and misfortunes from their life by using their own personal abilities. This role can be fulfilled by someone playing a sidekick. They can help the hero with some bumps they may come across. An example of this character is Donkey from the Shrek franchise.

4. The Princess (a sought-after person): This is someone who the
hero is looking to save. There are a few different ways that it can be displayed in film. Either a girl the hero is trying to save who is being tormented by the villain, or a missing person who the hero is trying to find and save. An example of this character archetype is Princess Aurora from the film Sleeping Beauty. 

5. The Dispatcher: The dispatcher takes the role of someone who alerts the hero that something villainous is occurring, and they help the hero take charge to prepare for what's coming next. This can be displayed by a smaller side character, a family member, or a townsfolk. An example of this character archetype is Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter franchise. 
6. The Hero: Propp defines a hero in two different aspects. One aspect of the hero is the "seeker." They agree and willingly go on a quest to defeat the evil. The other aspect of being a hero is the "victim." they're someone who was attacked by the villain, and they go fight the villain for "revenge" or freedom. An example of this character is Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games franchise since she goes against the Capitol. 

7. The False Hero: The False Hero is someone who takes credit for the quest and the defeat of the evil. It is typically someone who is first displayed as a good person, but then it is revealed that they are obviously corrupt. A great example of this character is Hans of the Southern Isles from the film franchise Frozen. 

Overall, all of these characters are important in their own way. But for my coming-of-age genre, I will be doing the hero, the villain, and the helper. The hero will be played by our main girl who tries to overcome whatever problems get thrown at her. The villain will be played by a mean girl bully or a teacher who picks on her for no reason. The helper will be played by her best friend, we're not sure if we're going to make her a main character or just a side character. 

Citations used:
Media Studies. (2024, March 9). Vladimir Propp’s 7 character types and narrative theory.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Group Meetings #1

 Hello readers! Today in class, we had group meetings! We met with people from other groups and gave each other input on our project ideas. This was honestly a lot of fun and really informative. I'm really glad I was able to get outside advice from people I don't know because it was really helpful. We all went around and told each other our ideas for our film openings and shared our blog URLs with each other, and we gave each other a lot of feedback. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much feedback for our film opening idea and neither did my partner, which I don't know if to take as a good thing or a bad thing... Nevertheless, they asked me really valid questions which helped me gain more insight and ideas on how to develop my project. Here are some of the questions I was asked. 

    "Are you going to use Foley in your film opening?" Currently, I feel like our idea isn't fully planned out to see if we're going to use Foley.

    "How are you going to transmit the fourth wall idea to the audience?" We are going to make our main girl talk directly to the audience, while also talking to other characters in the film.

    "How are you going to do the sound?" Since we were planning on filming our girl walking in the hallway, we came across some obstacles when figuring out how to display the sound. We have decided on two potential ideas. 1. Either film our girl during the passing period and add a microphone onto her so we can hear her dialogue or 2. Film her walking down the hallway while it's empty and add background noise of teenagers/people talking. We still haven't decided which of the two to do, but I will update on what we decide on! I was also told that if I were planning to film it in an active hallway, then to make the film take place in the 2020s due to the outfits that people wear. 

    "Who is going to play your main girl?" We have decided to either get one of our group members Mariana to play her, or search outside of us three!

Besides just the questions, I was talking to people in my group and they said that it was important to really focus on the characters and their developments since that's a really important factor in coming-of-age movies! And they were also glad that I wanted to focus on the friendship aspect of the coming-of-age genre, instead of trying to fit romance into it or make it a main aspect of the film. I was also told that it's really important that the outfits are really colorful, and to have the setting colorful as well. We went around and told each other what films or other sources helped inspire our film, and the one I said was "Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer." I love the colorful aspects of this film, and I love how silly it is, and I would love to be able to transmit that into my film opening. 

I also got a lot of helpful resources from this kid in my group, which I definitely will see myself using!

For screenplays:

For sound:





For fonts:


Friday, February 7, 2025

What are 'title cards' and why are they SO important??

An analysis of title cards and their fonts

When watching visual media, title cards will likely be the first thing you see. They're very important since they help set the tone for the rest of the film, while also allowing audiences to understand what they are going to get into. Title cards have some sort of correlation with the rest of the film, they either match the aesthetics or provide a sneak peek. To be more specific, title cards are text-based frames in films that help display the title or other pieces of information, such as "based on a true story" or a time jump.
Emma. (2020)
 A good example of an iconic period piece title card is the film Emma. The font chosen is very regal, and the color palette helps emphasize the aesthetics and tones for the rest of the film 

While having title cards in films is very important, something that is also important is to have a specific understanding of the use of font. Having a certain font chosen for films is crucial since it can significantly impact how audiences perceive the film, genre, mood, and period. Different genres of films use different characteristics for their fonts, for example, horror is more jagged and distorted. 
It (2017) 
The film It (2017) has a specific font that is both haunting and intriguing, which helps emphasize the tones of fear and curiosity within the film. 
Example of Star Wars merch
Fonts are also crucial because they help create a brand identity. Some fonts have become so iconic that they can be recognized even if it has nothing to do with the original content. For example, the font for the film franchise Star Wars is widely known, and people make up their own interpretations and merch.  Despite the font not saying "Star Wars", the popularity of the film has led it to be widely recognized by many audiences, even people who haven't seen the films yet.
For our film and genre, I believe that it is important we include more personal factors in the font. To tie in the coming-of-age genre, I feel that is important to have a handwritten font. This can draw in themes of youth and personal growth. 
These are some potential fonts that we can use for our film. The highlighted ones are my favorites, but I believe that all of these fonts help emphasize our genre and our potential plotline. 


Question 4 of my CCR!

My script/answer for this question is a continuation of my last blog post where I answered the third question. While editing my CCRs, I'...